
I am a hot mess express going full throttle

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

People of the Bridge: Free peep show

Today was windy to say the least.  I was so proud of myself for actually getting up when my alarm went off.  I went to bed at 10:30 which is the earliest I've gone to bed since like 8th grade I think.  Anyhow, I hit the bridge at about 7:10.  As I was making my way up, the wind got increasingly gustier.  I lost my hat a few times.  I put on my boy Eddie Money for a little extra push up the bridge.  Well, the extra push did me wrong.  Half way up, my shirt flew up.  Total, 100% flashing going on.  The cars whizzing by got a nice little show to start their day.  Trust me- it was worse for me than it was for you.  Just my luck- there was a nice old couple coming right at me during the first flashing.  Well, if they weren't awake before, they definitely were then.  This happened like 10 more times on the way up.  I was getting pissed at this point.  I had to carry my hat and hold my shirt down like some hunchback of Mt. Pleasant.  I tried tucking it in, but it was just not working.  I thought that maybe the way down would be better.  Wrong.  See you tomorrow.  I will be wearing the windproof romper.

Love you long time,
Peep show polly.


  1. Just discovered your blog. You are hilarious! I think a book is much needed.
