
I am a hot mess express going full throttle

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mountain Weekend Extravaganza 2K10

4 days in the wilderness.  Ok, not so much the wilderness.  More like a nice lil cabin on the top of a cute lil mountain, in a sweet lil mountain town.  Now that's more like it.  Let me rewind to the beginning of the trip. (Here is where you can stop reading, because this story has lots of inside jokes and what not. And they may not interest you in the slightest, but feel free to proceed.)

Camille and Beth came by and picked me up around 4pm on Thursday.  We loaded the car.  By the way between all of us, we apparently have every pattern of Vera Bradley.  Classy.  We then headed to pick Katie up from work.  I would actually call it busting her out or hijacking her.  She came barrelling out of the hotel in her woman suit with her luggage and didn't look back.  Apparently she didn't mention to her fellow workers that she would be leaving.  Or that she would not be coming in on Friday also...So we are about to Aviation Ave and then BAM.  Rear ended.  By a crazy man. Seriously.  He was weaving all over the place.  Plus we stared at him for about 45 min straight.  We called highway patrol on him.  Just your standard road trip.  Plus you have to add all of our random sarcastic comments.  So 21 hours later we made it to Boone.  Where our dear friend Logan was anxiously awaiting our arrival.  We chit chatted then hit the sack. (below are Logan's new pajamas..purchased especially for the trip:)

The next morning we woke up and headed out to the big city.  Well more like the grocery store.  While roaming the aisles, this is where I realized how different out personalities are.  For real.  We have a married one.  An engaged one.  A seriously dating one.  And then the few, the proud, the single two.  I will let you figure each one out...We finally made our purchases and headed out.  After unpacking the groceries we decided to go on a hike.  We headed to the Blue Ridge Parkway.  So for those that don't know--I dislike hiking.  But, being the trooper that I am...I persevered.  I would love to tell you that I love being one with nature, navigating through the wilderness with nothing, but my basic supplies, but I would be lying.  Big time.  Meanwhile I am crossing off a bucket list item: a visit to the Appalachian Trail.  Not happening.  Oh yeah, I should mention that Katie and I contracted a stage 10 cold and were having trouble breathing all weekend.  And I may be mildly addicted to Affrin, but that is neither here nor there.  The "going up the mountain" part didn't really help this situation out.  So after hours and hours of navigating with pure instinct through the woods, we came out on the other side.  We took some nice group pictures.  On the self timer.  We had trouble finding a capable photographer.  Ours only liked to get half us in the least it was the top half...It could have been worse.

We headed back and napped/read/snacked/built a fire. Then we ate supper together and then watched Adventures in Babysitting.  Classic movie.  Watch it.  Lots of good quotes..

I should mention that the weekend was full of awesome quotes which I will mention later.  This is killing me, but I will keep the quotes anonymous so no one gets embarrassed...We woke up Saturday and decided to go shopping.  Wahoo (sarcastical...)  It wasn't too too bad.  I stuck to the kitchen and baby stores...Once we got to Blowing Rock it was a bit more enjoyable.  Cute little town.  I did some good people watching.  You know, mountain people are different.  There are like 3 different types of mountain folk.  There are the mountain rednecks.  Watch out for them.  Then there are the rich mountain folk.  They have beautiful 2nd or 3rd homes there.  (I would like to befriend these ones..)  And there are the normal mountain folk.  These are also good ones.  They have cute little cottages all about the mountains.  Most are on the older side.  But that's cool.  (Here is the Candy Barrel.  Good Times)

Once again we headed home.  Well for a minute.  Some of us decided to go have a lil photo shoot down the mountain...We love ourselves...and we love taking pics of ourselves....(Below is Grandfather Mountain.  Apparently he is famous...)
All in all it was an AWESOME weekend.  Good times.  Good food.  Good people.  I really can't explain how much I love these people.  And we don't see each other enough.  Seriously.  Good for the soul.
Here are some good quotes of the weekend.  These are not meant to be offensive in any way...
"Dammit Janet"
"Chick Fil A is white people fast food.  Serioulsy.  You never hear anyone say Ma pleazure yo.."
"You have champagne taste and an ass face." (sorry please don't be offended)
"Your bar is up here.  You need to lower it so that it covers your face and he can't see you."
"Just squeeze the bottom and see if they are soft." (by far my favorite moment of the weekend)

Well I am off

Oh and this is what Logan has been reading
If you can't see it says The Black Christian Singles Guide to Dating and Sexuality.  Yeah.  No comment.

Oh yeah- I also stuck my foot in my mouth.  Big time.  Just ask Katie.

Back from the wild and enjoying the domesticity of Mt. Perfect.

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