Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.
-Brene Brown
This is a quote from a woman that I admire. Brene Brown. You should definitely check her out HERE. I like her because she is all about getting real. But, not in a scary, tell me all of your secrets or let me read your journal way. She approaches vulnerability through relationships. I know I've said this many times before, but I think vulnerability is the key to many things. Relationships. Friendships. Self love. Discovery. And more. Over the years I can tell that it has become easier for me to be vulnerable. I almost can't even do small talk anymore.. But, as I have become more vulnerable, I've realized that I tend to have a controlled vulnerability. What is that you ask? I'm no doctor, but for the most part I can share a good amount, but I tend to hold on to a couple of things. I like to think this is good (and I think sometimes it is), but I also realized that I hold onto those things with God too. Which is not so good. But, weirdly, when I do not hold onto these things I do feel uncomfortable. Extremely uncomfortable. But, I also feel strong. And a pinch of courageous. And it makes me better. Better as a person, better as a friend and better as a daughter of the king. We were made for relationship. Or at least I was. We can't be in relationship if we aren't being ourselves and sharing our hearts. I'm the first to admit that this is NOT easy. I'm the worst culprit. CONFESSION: I let someone in a little and then they think that's all I needed to share and then I roll out (sharing wise). I am hereby ratting myself out. But, I am also working on this. Daily. It's a struggle, but it's worth it to me. Find people you can talk to. It's important. So there you have it. Praying that you will have truth & courage. And a good friend.
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