
I am a hot mess express going full throttle

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Couldn't be prouder

Sorry I've been gone a while... It's been a long, long long 2 weeks.  I literally wake up and go to work.  And come home.  And pray my credit has started to report.... I have a lot of stories that will be shared later.  Tonight you have the privilege of reading a guest post.  A dear friend of mine wrote a beautiful paper for school on one of the most disgusting things ever--Crocs!  Ansley is in 9th grade.  I couldn't be prouder..

I walked in with utter amazement at the footwear in front of me. The array of rubber-soled shoes looked at me, and I back. Every kid at school had a pair, every soccer player on my team wore them after the game, everyone at the pool slipped them on before jumping in the water; they were Crocs. Immediately my eyes were drawn to the light pink Croc. I looked at my mom for consideration and she picked them up, without even allowing me to try them on, and took the Crocs up to the cash register. I snatched the bag and as I walked out of the store I knew from then on I was changed, for better or for worse, I had joined the Croc cult. My decision sparked my love for Crocs that failed to last. The fact of the matter is Crocs are not the ideal ‘Birkdale’ shoe. Their appearance, accessories, and kiosks have distorted the American culture into thinking rubber, with holes, is okay to wear in public.
If I saw someone in Birkdale with crocs I would definitely give them a look; the up down. For me, I don’t even have to physically see someone wearing crocs, I can hear them. As they are squeaking on the hard cement, the rubber is wearing away, and the holes are becoming more prevalent. I feel insulted to see anyone wearing “Crocs: the fashionable shoe icon”. Their appearance and materials make my stomach sick, not only for the person and their self image, but also for everyone having to set eyes on that horrid picture.
Not only is a Croc grotesque, but the idea that some child in the United States ‘invented’ The Croc buttons. Whoever would have thought buttons on a shoe would be such a hit. You might as well tie shoe laces on your shirt. In the words of a child, “Each and every individual button has its own special memory. The lion symbolizes when I went to the zoo, the wave is from when I went to the beach, and the girls head is actually my face.” Do you see the problem? Although the buttons do cover up the horrific holes in Crocs, they are not fashionable, and most definitely justified because of the ‘memories’.
Have you ever walked around the mall and been stopped by annoying kiosks? Telling you, “Yo hair so prettay, would you like a sample-.”Yes the Croc shoe does have a kiosk, and you can browse every single croc from a cart blocking mall traffic. How wonderful, an array of assorted colors of rubber shoes, buttons with faces on them, and an irksome salesman who probably works at the local McDonalds.

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