
I am a hot mess express going full throttle

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rain is a good thing

It rained today. And I loved it. Bottom line=I love rainy days. I feel like I thought about many a things today. Last weekend I went to Litchfield for MCC's bachelorette weekend. Just like old times. It's funny how you don't spend time with certain people for a long time and then when you are together again it feels like you picked up where you left off. Sometimes people pleasantly surprise you. I don't know where I am going with this. We stayed at Fraser's beach house and just hung, ate and danced to single ladies. Thank you Katie Arthur. We will surely be a bad combination on June 19th. Katie and I headed back to Mt. Perfect pretty early to make church. I went with a friend to 9 o'clock church to catch a few baptisms. Steve talked about love. How it's not just an emotion, but an action. I flat out love St. Andrews. No lie. I love the people, the music and the funny stuff that happens. It feels good to know where I am supposed to be. I'm thankful for that. Then I got to hang out with a friend all day. I love a good low key day. It was much needed after the bachelorette shenanigans..Last night we had life group. It was a good time. I'm thankful for our fearless leader. It's kind of cool how random our group is, but we have come together pretty quickly and have gotten off to a great start. I'm excited to see what happens this next year. I have been thinking about gifts a lot lately. Not like presents, but gifts that God has given us. I think it's really important to think about what God has given us and put our gifts in use. No sense in wasting them, right? So why don't you think about it. If you aren't sure, ask someone. It sounds trivial, but I have to constantly remind myself sometimes. Sometimes I feel like I don't have anything to offer. I think we can all get like that sometimes. Then once you realize what some of your gifts are you need to figure out how to put them to use. Enough of the preaching. I thought about some things I like and I thought I would share them:

I like playing my guitar. Scratch that. I LOVE playing my guitar. I could do it all day.

I love the sound the boat makes when you are racing across glassy water. It makes a cool spray sound. I love it.

Community. I am surrounded by some amazing people. Day to day. It is so important and I am so so so thankful to be where I am right now. It's amazing how people can encourage you with out even trying.

Boulevard Diner I love you. Is it bad that Ms. Kim knows my name and my usual order? No...I don't think so either...

High school. I loved it. Period.

Writing. I don't do it much, but I enjoy it. I like writing songs and other stuff. I started writing a book like 3 years ago and am still not done, but we're making some headway. My goal is to finish it by my birthday. Better get cracking..

Taking pictures. I have started to notice how each picture tells a story. Every time I take one I am aware of it. I guess now I have become an intentional photo taker. (Nerd Alert)

Mom friends. If you don't have some you are missing out. I don't mean any offense toward our own personal moms. (I hope I don't get in trouble for this one) My mom is awesome. Period. However it has been cool having some mom friends. They just know a lot more than my age friends which comes in handy many a times..They have a bit more life experience. The funniest part about them is they don't think they are cool. Which I totally don't get, because they are waaay cool. In fact most of the ones I am friends with- I was once totally intimidated by. So to all the moms out there that consider me a friend-thank you

Family. I like em. I love em. Mine makes me laugh. We are each funny in our own way and its funny to mix us all up together. For instance tonight I ate at mom and dad's. It was just me, Lili and madre. We had pizza and stone crab claws. Killer combination. What did we do while eating you ask? We watched the real housewives of NYC and New Jersey. Then of course dad rolls in at 7:59. Just in time to watch NCIS with mom for the 56,873 time. I love it.

Reading. I am a complete book nerd to the extreme. I could hang in Barnes and Noble everyday and all day. I have to be reading something. I read a whole book last night and today. Maybe I am a book Junkie. I inherited it from my mom. She loves to read too. Apple don't fall far from the tree I guess.

I know these are completely random, but that's pretty much me in a nutshell. Well today at least. I hope this post finds you well. Van Morrison is on Friday. I can hardly stand it.
Love ya longtime,

Listen to "The Saving One" by Starfield. Playing it at church on Sunday. I love it. You will too.

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