
I am a hot mess express going full throttle

Sunday, January 31, 2010

All the pretty flowers..

On Saturday I got to go to a flower seminar thing..not just any flower thing. It was top notch. These people came from the Cathedral in D.C. to show us how to bust a move with some flowers. I was pleasantly suprised how cool it was. Plus I got to go with some super cool people! I have attached some of my favorites.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

"I don't wanna wait..."

Today I was driving around the ghetto..aka President St. and an old song came on. It was the Dawson's Creek theme song. I am now confessing that I once was obsessed with the show. By once I mean I possibly still could be obsessed. I have seen and possibly own every episode. MC and I used to watch it everyday on TBS during the summers in high school and college. No lie, I may have compared my life with that of some characters on the show...I mean who didn't want to be like Joey (with her many love triangles and her extensive vocabulary...) and who didn't like Pacey. I for one didn't want sweet Jack to be gay-I mean I had a lil crush on him. I know this is totally a wacko post, but the song brought back some memories. They just don't make dramatic teen soaps like they used to...Thought I would pass it along.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dream Big

Alright- today I went with Dad to the MAC-PAC luncheon. For those who don't know it is the Mortgage Brokers Assoc. Political Action Committee. It was as exciting as it sounds, however I did some good self thinking while sitting there staring at my plate. I told my self, "Self what are your dreams/goals?" So I have compiled a list of goals/dreams for this upcoming year, the next 5 years and in my life. So here goes-

This year-
-Save $1000 (thanks Dave Ramsey...)
-Become a SC Guardian Ad Lietum
-Learn to fly fish
-Get back to surfing this summer
-Drive across the country. Jackson Hole is my dream destination at this time. Once I have some fly fishing basics down I am taking myself on a trip!! I can't wait to see the Tetons!!!!
-Learn how to play my harmonica
-Become 100% independent (financially etc..)
-Be more confident

Next 5 Years-
-Maybe possibly own my own house. I've got my eye on a couple cute lil brick ones in the groves.
-Get a 1998 Hewes flats boat.
-Get a Honda Rancher 4 Wheeler. If you don't know I have wanted a 4 wheeler since 5th grade. Every Christmas Santa forgets to bring it with him. I know this is materialistic and sad, but getting a 4 wheeler will quite possibly be one of my greatest accomplishments....
-I want to run for MTP town council. Don't be an ass vote for Sass! haha
-Finish my book

Lifetime (as of now)
-Be involved in a non profit
-Play my guitar in a bar..haha(and people actually enjoy it..)
-Take women on a fly fishing trip
-Write an article for the paper
-Get married and hopefully have some ninos
-Run a marathon
-Hike part of the App. Trail
-Be a guidance counselor

I have a lot of other ideas, but these are my favorite thus far. Seriously it's something good to think about. I think it's important to have dreams and goals/aspirations whether they are serious or for fun!


(Jackson Hole)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Taking it back old school

So after Reese's funeral I went back to my parent's house to find my Crooked Creek pictures circa 2002...I put the album on Facebook, but I picked a few to put on here. Looking at the old pics got me thinking about a lot of things. It was a place of a lot of firsts for me. I have a lot of great memories from there. Now it makes me think of Reese, which is awesome! So don't be mad if you find yourself in some of these pictures looking a little dated...FYI-I had the best Young Life leader/friends in the world. Don't be jealous.....not everyone is as lucky as I am.

My Hero

Patty Griffin is my hero. Buy her new cd. If you are poor (like me) just buy her version of "All Creatures of our God and King."

On to other news of the day. Our roommate-Wimberly is basically the president of the new Chick Fil A on the Savannah highway auto mile....well not exactly president, but that's not important at all. So since Wim practically adores us she invited us to the premier night. It surpassed any visions one could have of a premier night for a chicken fast food restaurant...I mean there was a red carpet awaiting out arrival. As we came through the door the sweet lil cow was awaiting his turn to take a picture. Paparazzi were everywhere.....Then we were seated at our table and our sweet servers brought us a drink of our choice along with a salad. Then when it was our turn we got to go order anything our hearts desired from the menu. After we finished stuffing our faces the dessert cart came around overflowing with bountiful goodies....I opted for the ice dream in a cone. And a dream it was. So good! Then they even gave us coupons. I now have a new life goal-Marry someone who owns a Chick Fil A....

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Reese's funeral was yesterday. It was so hard, but it was so sweet. It was so sweet to see how many people truly loved him. It's still so surreal. Steve said something that really stuck with me. He said, "You can not lose something when you know where it is." I don't know why, but I have been thinking about it all day. Every time I start to get upset or think to much I have been trying to remember what Steve said. We know exactly where Reese is. He is with Jesus.

I miss you friend. Thank you for being you and for being my friend. I have my lil bag of Reese's Pieces here and am thinking of you. Love you always.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Great one

This week we got some hard news. An old friend from high school passed away. It's been really hard and honestly it just hasn't set in, but it has also made me realize a lot of things. I met Reese while playing soccer, but we became better friends through Young Life. I remember going to camp with him and him letting me play ultimate with the guys. He always had the sweetest smile. This is what got me thinking. I am so thankful for what Young Life meant to Reese and what it meant to me. We were always up in the middle of everything. I am so thankful for the relationship that he had with his leader and I am ever so thankful for the relationship I had with my leader. My life has been changed in so many ways. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to be involved in YL. The way this has brought our old friends together is a true testament to who Reese was and how much he was loved. You are truly one of the great ones. Love you Reese.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Got a new camera from Santa..

This New Year's day I went to Dawhoo with my cousins who I love. Me drove around, shot guns, drank beer from a random beer trailer, and then ate some wonderful boston butt, hop n jon and collards. I have to say that it was one of my favorite times thus far. I must mention how beautiful it was. Here are a few pics I took with my new camera.