Alright- today I went with Dad to the MAC-PAC luncheon. For those who don't know it is the Mortgage Brokers Assoc. Political Action Committee. It was as exciting as it sounds, however I did some good self thinking while sitting there staring at my plate. I told my self, "Self what are your dreams/goals?" So I have compiled a list of goals/dreams for this upcoming year, the next 5 years and in my life. So here goes-
This year-
-Save $1000 (thanks Dave Ramsey...)
-Become a SC Guardian Ad Lietum
-Learn to fly fish
-Get back to surfing this summer
-Drive across the country. Jackson Hole is my dream destination at this time. Once I have some fly fishing basics down I am taking myself on a trip!! I can't wait to see the Tetons!!!!
-Learn how to play my harmonica
-Become 100% independent (financially etc..)
-Be more confident
Next 5 Years-
-Maybe possibly own my own house. I've got my eye on a couple cute lil brick ones in the groves.
-Get a 1998 Hewes flats boat.
-Get a Honda Rancher 4 Wheeler. If you don't know I have wanted a 4 wheeler since 5th grade. Every Christmas Santa forgets to bring it with him. I know this is materialistic and sad, but getting a 4 wheeler will quite possibly be one of my greatest accomplishments....
-I want to run for MTP town council. Don't be an ass vote for Sass! haha
-Finish my book
Lifetime (as of now)
-Be involved in a non profit
-Play my guitar in a bar..haha(and people actually enjoy it..)
-Take women on a fly fishing trip
-Write an article for the paper
-Get married and hopefully have some ninos
-Run a marathon
-Hike part of the App. Trail
-Be a guidance counselor
I have a lot of other ideas, but these are my favorite thus far. Seriously it's something good to think about. I think it's important to have dreams and goals/aspirations whether they are serious or for fun!
(Jackson Hole)