
I am a hot mess express going full throttle

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Fat Camp: Fall Review

Its been quite a while since my last post but much has happened over the last few months and finding time and actual energy seemed like the last thing I wanted to do. (Sorry Stephen). I signed up to do another round of HCC (fat camp) this fall and it was all I could do to stay alive. So here I am. I've come out on the other side.. In the midst of dragging myself around the track everyday, I also bought my first house. So I haven't just been lying on the couch eating bon bons. Although, that sounds pretty heavenly right about now. Lets start with fat camp. You have to give yourself over to HCC 100%. There's no half assing it which, sadly is what I excel at. Plus, my team this fall was not passive.. We met most everyday and got pummelled. We were not super tight at first, but after our come to Janis meeting we began to get into the groove. I gave up the fitbit. Florence the fitbit started pissing me off. My fears of breaking the exercise ball have now subsided. I tried spinning a few more times in hopes of liking it- NOPE. STILL ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. But, alas, I will keep going. I think big butted people are at a spinning disadvantage. The 10 weeks dragged on and finally we came to the home stretch. Turns out our team won:) which means we got some prizes and a pretty awesome dinner at the Wickliffe House. Good news is I'm down to about 15lbs from my goal of 100 so no slacking now.... On to the house. The house really was kind of a stroke of luck. I was with my friend Anne and we were helping our friend during her last round of chemo. Me (the one trying not to make eye contact with other patients) was browsing the MLS and happened upon the cutest little brick ranch about 2 streets away from my office. I knew that it wouldn't last long because the West Ashley market is on fire. I casually asked Lynn how she was feeling. She seemed to be in good spirits... so I quietly asked if they didn't mind making a pit stop on the way home from chemo... Bad timing I know.. Well, they said yes and on we went! I think we all three knew it was a keeper once we pulled up. It was the cutest little house. Herb came over too and gave it a look with the ladies and I could tell he liked it. So I took a chance and wrote a contract that night and PTL it was accepted! Next thing I knew I was in a crazy cluster of information overload and was signing my life away... And here we are. A real live homeowner. Plus one of my favorite people moved in too:) I have posted a few pics on instagram if you want to check it out. The last bit of news is that I have officially come out of Young Life retirement and get to lead at Ashley Hall which meets with Porter Gaud. Man have we come full circle. I can't say that I saw that coming. Which is kind of cool. I get to hang out with some of the coolest kids:) I'll write more tomorrow. Sarah

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