
I am a hot mess express going full throttle

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fat Camp: The freaking fit bit

Hello there. Hope all is well on your end. Well, good news is that I've still been going to the gym and I'm losing more of myself everyday (literally). Hehe.

All joking aside, lets get serious. I got a Fitbit for Christmas. Yes. (Long time ago I would have been wondering if getting a Fitbit was some type of hint, but because I had already humbled myself by this point in time with fat camp- the gift was much wanted and appreciated). Since Fitbit and I have become attached, I have decided to give it a name (I attach easily). I named the Fitbit Florence (sounds artsy). So Florence and I have become quick friends over the last month. Florence is set to have a goal of 10,000 steps. Which prior to her arrival, I assumed was easy. No problem. Or so I thought. WTF. I was trying and trying and trying to get ,y freaking 10,000 steps. Seriously. I would go to the trainer at the gym, then to work and so on. I would be around 7,000 to 8,000 steps. I would never make it. One night, as I was getting ready for bed around 11:50, I noticed that I was only a couple hundred steps away from 10,000. Praise God. Finally. So I started walking in circles around my tiny Harry Potter sized house. At this point, I have lost my marbles. I am getting excited. Almost giddy. That's right. I'm going to beast this 10,000 steps. Right when I'm about 30 steps away (I covered a lot of ground in my tiny house) the clock strikes midnight. Just like Cinderella, my hopes were dashed. I did not know this at the time- but Florence resets at midnight. Much to my disappointment I did not hit my goal. I WAS PISSED. I won't even lie. So mad. I am pretty sure I called my friend Anne just to tell her how close I was and how sad I was that I didn't get it (she already knows I'm crazy so this was no big deal).  So after my Cinderella fitbit flop, I was on a freaking mission to get my 10,000 steps. Meanwhile I read all of these articles about how old people use it and they love getting their 10,000 steps in daily. I call BS on that. Liars. I bet they only rack up half that (And I am being generous). Moving on. This ordeal sent me on a cray cray mission of getting my 10,000 steps. Well, as luck would have it, I finally got the damn 10,000 steps on one of the days I was moving. All of a sudden my wrist started vibrating like crazy (I thought I was being electrocuted or something). I looked down and Florence was going berserk. The screen was lighting up and celebrating. I saw that I had hit my 10,000. OMG finally. I felt like I had just one the lottery. My phone was lighting up congratulating me and I was getting emails and texts from fitbit telling me I was awesome. No one at the time could possibly understand my athletic glory.... Haha. But really. I may have saved my Fitbit email for a few days just as a small trophy. So there you have it. I have hit the goal 1 time....

I would also just like to add that Fat Camp and working out can make you a little cray cray. Just saying. I mean, the whole deal is a little crazy any ways. I'm reading food labels, getting used to naked people at the gym, dealing with Whole Foods and its people and I'm freaking drinking Apple Cider Vinegar- WHICH IS HORRIBLE. And now I am friends with and named a fitness step counter that sends me messages and vibrates on my arm.

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